File sharing

Likely steps involved in supporting an organization's implementation of secure file sharing:

  • Choose a file sharing tool
  • Make a plan for migration
  • Document clear policies for sharing

Considerations for tool selection

  • File syncing
    • Protecting your version from other syncing
    • Asychronous and synchronous syncing
  • File links
    • Shortlinks
    • Password protection
    • Link rot
    • External access
    • Accounts required
    • SSL
    • Team access automatic
    • Sharing folders with links (syncing)
  • Folder sharing
    • That it exists
    • Shared folder directory not just single folders
    • Password protection for folders/files
  • Info in motion (email/chat/ftp/CMS/peerio)
    • Pushing files via email/chat
    • Fragmenting version control
    • How the file system connects with website
  • With version control
    • What history is logged
  • File editing
    • Collaborative synchronous
    • Web-based editing
    • Version control for clash in syncing
    • Offline editing
  • Do you need to share files with people outside of the organization?
  • Is there crossover to staff's personal accounts?

Considerations for policies

  • Info architecture/file naming/info management
    • Clear outline of access, rationale, process for getting access (who to ask)
  • Data sharing
    • Internal/external sharing
  • Onboarding
  • Offboarding
    • Timing of cut off of access
    • Request to delete local files
    • Link rot considerations
    • Requesting last pushing of files from local machine
    • Transfer of ownership so others have access

File storage


  • Encryption
  • Back-ups
  • Archives
  • Local
  • USBs/external media
  • Off-site
  • Third-party servers
  • Personal/individual computers/device
  • Who is responsible for what aspects
    • Operations
    • Tech
    • Programs/Projects

Data retention and backup



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