When the organization has low technology support

Short term solutions

Long term strategies

  • Training of Trainers (ToT)
    • Invest in education of existing IT staff
    • Look into conferences that will help expand knowledge and create partnerships
      • International Freedom Festival
      • RightsCon
    • Gather information from other human rights organizations about their IT support
      • Internal IT staff tends to be trustworthy since sales doesn't play a role, but this may not be an option due to funding or size of organization
      • The civil society community may have a trusted IT contractor who has a long history of involvement
      • If a complete lack of a trusted support person exists, the community may be able to work together to reach out to international organizations for assistance in developing one.  Maybe even a pool of funding could be created.
    • Development of Digisec Community
      • Several organizations agree to support IT staff or tech savvy employees in creating digital security conscious community
      • This essentially established a trusted committee to help solve issues through identify resources, developing expertise, and outreach.
      • Probably will require funding to obtain professional development
    • Internship or Fellowship Programs
      • Fellowship that places a tech-savvy person within your organization
      • OpenTech Fund
      • Must include a plan for when the fellow leaves, such as identifying staff or a professional that will develop their skills alongside the fellow. Otherwise this activity will only be a bandaid.
      • Fellows should come with a supporting organization to assist with professional advice

When the organization has few financial resources

Donation Programs

Free Alternatives

Funders Focusing on Security for Human Rights Orgs


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